Let your dreams unfold amidst the warm and ethereal charms of pastel hued florals in dreamy tones of blush pink, ivory and cream. Conjure images of an enchanted wonderland with delicate vines entwined with rustic blooms of white gerberas, Champagne eustomas and dusty millers, framed by twinkling fairy lights as you walk down the elegant aisle to “happily ever after”.



Pan Pacific Singapore


Step into an alluring woodland fantasy surrounded by lush foliage in forest green and revel in the sophistication of the botanical-themed setting. Gold cuboids adorned with eucalyptus and Italian ruscus take centre stage with a draped ivory backdrop embellished with warm fairy lights, while white and Champagne eustomas and roses dot the verdant greenery.



Pan Pacific Singapore


Revel in a plethora of pink and scarlet in celebration of a sweet yet playful romance. Bouquets and garlands of roses and eustomas deck the tables, eliciting feelings of love while the arches create a fantasy-like pathway leading to a grand matrimonial finale.



Pan Pacific Singapore
